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Roadside view is a postcard term and category primarily used to describe the motels, campgrounds, restaurants, cafes and tourist traps along the highways from the 1920s to the 1960s when travel was by automobiles along highways before the interstate system. The three roadside views below are all of the same place but cover three decades and the first one is from the 1930s. This is Tomochichi's Luxurious Tourist Cottages on US Coastal Highway 17 in Kingsland Gerogia in Camden County along the Georgia coast just above the Florida line. The cottages shown feature a garage, private bath rooms, open fire places and offer a restaurant, zoological park and tavern.
The second view is a 1940s Albertype postcard which now calls this Chief Tomochichi's Tourist Court and mentions it is 40 miles North of Jacksonville Florida and a day's drive from Miami.
The third view of Chief Tomachichi Modern Cottages is a 1950s Dexter Press postcard and shows the restaurant, gas station and office. Chief Tomochichi was a Creek Indian who was exiled by the Creeks and founded the Yamacraw tribe from Creek and Yamasee Indians and settled what is now Savannah Georgia. He was a friend to early English colonists and was taken to England by James Olglethorpe in 1734. All of these postcards can be found in my Georgia listings along with 10,000 additional postcards on my website Moody's Postcards.
CATCH POSTCARD FEVER!! Enjoy the roadside views.
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